Let us introduce ourselves:

This is Orphans 1618 e-shop offering through the Internet the products that are manufactured or rebuilt or assembled or distributed by us. Our main home is in Larissa, Greece, and our business is registered under the number (GEMI): 134357402000 at the Greek General Commercial Registry; our contact email address is info@orphans1618.com.


Attention while you browse:

Before browsing in our website, as well as before you enter our online shop, we invite you to consult the following terms and conditions, applicable not only to the use of our website but also to the use of our online shop orphans1618.com.

Make sure you agree with the following terms and conditions; you should be aware that visiting our Website is subjected to the following terms and conditions and the relevant terms that constitute our Privacy Policy, which you find in our website. Your visit to this website constitutes full acceptance of these terms.

Even if a certain age is not required for the use of our website, however, you should be at least 18 years old in order to realize a purchase. Keep in mind that by submitting a purchase request in our e-shop, at the same time you declare that you are at least 18 years old. If it is concluded by the data you have submitted in our website that we are not of that minimum age, our shop shall not approve your order.

Your browsing our website is absolutely free of charge and no charge is generated by us at your expense. Nevertheless, you should be aware that your process of a purchase order of any of the products that are recommended through our e-shop, constitutes your full and unconditional acceptance of the corresponding financial purchasing and shipping costs, which costs are analytically explained with each of our product presentation.

Visiting the present website constitutes an unconditional acceptance of these terms by the visitor. In case you do not agree with the terms of use that we present you, please do not use this website.


Modification of Terms:

ORPHANS’ 1618 reserves the right to unilaterally amend or renew these terms and conditions concerning transactions that are realized through our e-shop. We are fully bound to publishing any aforementioned change immediately on our website at this present section of “Terms of Use”, as well as at any point of our websites, where necessary according to the Law and our judgment, in order that you always be aware of the conditions which prevail during your browsing and executing transactions with us.

We assure you that no change of any term posed by us will take place affecting any order that has already been placed before the modification of the corresponding term. Any change of the conditions of your already made orders, already pending for execution, shall be only due to legislation’s change, which shall explicitly apply to pending orders and will never be due to our own choice.


The Information and Products we offer:

We commit ourselves -within the limits of our capabilities- to reassure the accuracy, completeness and validity of the information listed in the present website (www.orphans1618.com) which is derived from our company, either those information refer to the essential characteristics described for each individual product or group of products available or they refer to the accuracy of the details of the services provided by Orphans’.


Copyright – Usage Limitations:

This website (www.orphans1618.com) is the official website of our company. The content of this website and all its separate pages, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, distinguishing marks, texts, descriptions of services and products, form a part of our company’s intellectual property (copyright) and industrial property, and are protected according to the relevant provisions of Greek and European law, the international Conventions and the provisions relating to unfair competition.

Names, images, logos, designs and all trademarks contained in this website, which constitute information and data related to third parties, partners or suppliers of our company, as well as their products and services, constitute exclusive intellectual and industrial property of these companies and are protected by the same above provisions.

Our reference to third producers and their products in our website is being made with respect to these rights and their appearance anywhere on our company’s website should be never considered as a transfer or special assignment of license or special right of use.

Therefore, visitors of our website are not allowed to copy (download) on any physical or non-physical mean, distribute, divide, sell, publish and release, in physical or electronic form, in any way, material from this present website, except only for personal non-profitable use.

It is strictly prohibited for all visitors of our website to modify or intervene in any way in the formation as well as in the information of our website.


References – Links

Our company’s website contains references and links to other sites, which are constructed by third parties, persons or legal entities. References and links constitute a simple already publicly known information for visitors; our company neither recommends nor advises in any way nor encourages their visit.

Our company holds no responsibility whatsoever either for any incorrect or unlawful information or omission contained in the pages of other websites or for any damage as a result of their use; our visitors get access to these sites under their sole and only responsibility.


We take all the necessary measures for your security:

A visitor can browse in e-shop orphans1618.com without giving away any personal information and without filling any form of registration as a member of any group. We will need your personal data only when you decide to proceed with ordering products or if you choose to receive our periodic mail newsletter.

Your personal information needed for any transaction with us is your first and last name, your father’s name (to ensure full and secure identification), a ground (home) phone number, a permanent home address, a shipping order address, the indication of any intermediary person to receive the products on your behalf and the selection of the preferred transaction’s tax reporting document (e.g. receipt, invoice).

Especially for issuing an invoice the company’s name, the tax registration number (TRN), the address and the occupation are absolutely required.

Summing up, we ask you to provide us only with the information required by law, in order to offer you a safe and legitimate transaction, i.e the execution of a comprehensible sales’ agreement, a consistent delivery of products ordered, a secure payment of your order and a personalized service based on your needs and preferences.

In addition, we can offer you a more personalized service, by using cookies. Cookies are pieces of recognition information sent by a web server to another, which enables the server to collect certain information from the browser. The use of cookies is realized only if you wish to be recognized while entering our website. If so, we can remind you your previous preferences. We ensure you that this will happen only if you wish so and of course you will be asked each time.

Our company pays great attention to the protection of the security of the personal information of the visitors to our website, as well as to the security of their online transactions; additionally, we take all necessary measures using the most modern methods, in order to ensure your safety as much as possible.

All information related to your personal information and your transactions are secure and considered as confidential.

Use of “Google Analytics”: We use the “ Google Analytics” service for monitoring the traffic on our website. For example, through this service we can see how visitors reached our website, how much time they allocated in any specific internal page, as well as a number of other information that can assist us in optimizing our site. Conditions of use of Google Analytics.


Privacy of Transactions:

It is our company’s and our e-shop’s highest priority to reassure the Privacy of Transactions. The same basic principles apply both in everyday transactions and in the case of electronic commerce (e-commerce). Information provided by the visitor / user to our company are all confidential and we take all necessary measures to use them at the extent it is absolutely necessary for the implementation of our contractual obligations towards you, as setby the prompt legislation, for the acknowledgement and execution of your order or for the reasons that you explicitly provide us with this information. Only dully (in written form) authorized partners of the company have access to your transactions’ information and only when this is actually necessary, e.g. for processing your requests.

Our company does not disclose any customer’s information or any information concerning customer’s transactions, unless we have your written authorization or this is imposed from a court order or from a decision of a public authority, under the terms which are imposed by Law each time.

In cases our company uses third parties to support the software and telecommunication systems, we tent to obtain a written commitment by them in so as to achieve the best guarantee of secrecy.

You may request at any time access to any of your personal information which is retained by our e-shop, as well as their correction, should you be able to verify that a specific error occurs, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.

For your own safety, you need to handle all the information provided through your cooperation with our e-shop as confidential and secret and avoid their disclosureto third parties.


Protection of Private Data:

During visiting our e-shop web pages, you may be asked to provide us with your personal information (name, last name, occupation, address, product shipping address etc.), but solely in order to process your orders or to provide our services. Any personal data that you affirm on our online shop, will be kept solely for reasons related to your transactions with us, also for improving our services and for ensuring the operation of the service. Your personal data will not be used in any way by any third party (except from the prompt authorities when obliged by the relevant legislation).

You should be aware, that the above applies only to the use and browsing in our own website and should not be taken as granted when browsing other websites, you were informed of links to them via our Website.

Therefore, always be careful of the web page you are browsing each time.

In any case, the partners of our company, who are accredited to have access to your personal data, are specific and the above role is assigned to them in writing. Moreover, access to your personal data by unauthorized people is prohibited and excluded by all possible means from us. Every reasonable measure to insure the safety of your data has been taken from the launch of our online shop, even before your visit.

Your personal information may be partially disclosed to our associates, in order to support, promote and execute specific trading actions of yours with us, but always under certain requirements that fully ensure that your personal information are not processed illegally at any way.

At any time you fully preserve the right to be informed of or decline any further processing of your data, in accordance with the applying legislation on the protection of personal data (Act.2472/1997); our company will respond immediately should you submit such an objection.


How to order

If you are at least 18 years old, you can place your order anytime through our e-shop.

Also you can phone us at 0030-0000-000000 and we will assist you to complete your order online.

Furthermore, you have the option of realizing your order live, visiting in person our physical store, at the address of our company, where we will have the opportunity to discuss your personal selections in person.


Ways and costs of shipping

For shipping your products we cooperate with companies which specialize in the postal or transportation services.

We also provide you with the option of picking up yourselves the products of your order from our physical store, or through an authorized representative (individual or carrier) that is appointed by you, as long as you have clearly indicated this in your order process.

The cost of shipping will always be notified to you at the “Shopping Cart” , without being obliged to have previously completed the submission of your order.


How is your order been realized:

During your browsing in our e-shop you can select products you wish to obtain by placing them in your “imaginary” electronic “Shopping Cart”. Before you complete your order you can return to your “Shopping Cart” and remove the quantities of the products or even remove whole products from your cart by clicking the button “remove”.

When you put your order on our website, at the same time you will be informed that the submission of your order is completed.

Following you will receive the first (1st) email which lists the details of your order, and will inform you, respectively, or that your credit card is successfully charged with the value of your order and the sales agreement with us have been completed, or that a deposit of the amount of the purchase at a bank in our account is awaited, so when the deposit is been realized the sale agreement will be completed.

After the sale agreement is been completed and the order is been processed, you will receive a second (2nd) email informing you of the itemized products you have purchased; this second (2nd) email will inform you that your order has been shipped or that there is a need for additional supplementary communication about the dispatch of products or some of them.


Product Availability and Delivery Time

The maximum time-period for the shipment of your products from our premises (Shipping Time), after the completion of our sale agreement (see above) is fifteen (15) working days.

If for some products are indicated different shipping times, shorter or longer than 15 days, this information will be already defined in the product description.

If an order contains various products that have different shipping times, then the entire order will be shipped according to the longest shipping time.


Payment methods:

Our e-shop offers the following payment methods for your order:

  • Credit / debit / prepaid card, redirected to Viva Payments: Viva Payments accepts the credit cards Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Diners. For purchases using your credit card, please follow the specific instructions found in our website. In the order form you will be asked to fill the card number and the expiration date as well as the specific 3 digit number (CVV) inscribed on the back of your credit card.
    In case the order is carried out on behalf of a legal entity, the transaction can be realized only by the company’s dully authorized representative, therefore, please, contact us for the completion of the order.
  • Payment through Viva Wallet: Please follow the specific instructions found in our website.
  • Payment through Paypal: Please follow the specific instructions found in our website.
  • Payment with a Bank deposit: The payment of your order can be made by cash deposit or money transfer (remittance) to one of our bank accounts listed in our website. In this case, Payment date for the completion of our sale agreement is the date that the amount of the total cost of the order is fully available in our bank accounts.


Taxes and Customs Controls

Delivery inside the boarders of the European Economic Area (EEA) does not entail additional tax or customs charges. However, if you are a customer from a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA), you may be asked to pay additional duties during customs control. The cross-border deliveries may undergo inspections by the relevant customs authorities. Our Company cannot exercise no control or bare any responsibility regarding any additional charges or audit procedures.


Backing Out and Withdrawal:

We inform you that you are entitled to withdraw from our sales agreement, even if it has been completed after your order is placed, but in no longer than fourteen (14) calendar days from the day you received our products.

For your detailed information regarding the withdrawal process, please read the detailed WITHDRAWAL guidelines.


Responsibility for Defects:

Before the shipment of the products our company has checked and certified their flawless condition and that they obtain the attributes agreed with the acceptance of your order. In any case, however, if there is a substantial defect of the product sold or should it lack the attributes specifically agreed upon, and the defect or damage is not caused by you, you can exercise your rights under the Article 534 Civil Code and, hence, you can either ask us to replace it or you can withdraw from our sales agreement.

In this case, the defected products should be returned to us immediately and should be accompanied by the necessary documentation and delivery receipts. In any case your rights are been lapsed within two years.


Information Posts
  1. Our e-shop provides via email or via mobile messages periodically information which we consider useful for the visitors of our website, which may contain only information or product offers.
  2. Our company bares no responsibility should these informational messages are not delivered to their final destination, since this is not our contractual or otherwise obligation, but we will make every effort with the ISP ‘s (Internet Service providers) in order to have them delivered successfully.
  3. These informational messages can end up to the spam folder of your email account; we recommend you check regularly your email box so as not to lose interesting
  4. If at any time you decide that you do not wish to receive further informational messages or you wish to unsubscribe totally from the sending messaging system of our company, please inform us using our e-mail address or the special option on the web site.
  5. Our company uses an independent partner-provider (3rd party company) for the recognition (tracking) of the recipients of the informative messages, and does not supply any third party with information such as the name, surname, or home address of our visitors.
  6. The informative messages are sent from us only if you choose so and as long as you wish. Regardless the addressing of the informative messages, if you have any pending order in our e-shop, we will send you automated messages (email) exclusively about the progress of the specific These messages cannot be disabled because they are part of the shipping and execution procedure of your order. As far as these emails are concerned you must facilitate their delivery and it is your responsibility to the archive them with attention during your transaction with us. According to the general terms applied to the transactions with us, it is your responsibility to inform us without any delay, in case you don’t receive these emails.


Responsibility of ORPHANS’:

Since our company continuously applies every possible measure in favor of the safe operation of this specific website and e-shop, we reject any responsibility for covering any damage that is provoked to a Visitor by the use of our website. The user enters and navigates in our website on his own initiative following our company’s explicit recommendation for previously being informed of all these terms.

Our warranty concerning our company’s products is only explicit and is valid only within the boundaries that are clearly mentioned in this website. The contents of our company’s particular website are provided “exactly as is” without being accompanied by any other warranty, implied or inferred in any way.

In addition, our company cannot guarantee that this website and the specific e-shop, the products, the services, the options and the content currently offered shall continue to be provided uninterruptedly, error free or that errors shall be corrected in a specific time.

Our company does not warrant that this website or any other related site or the servers that operate those websites, will be provided without “viruses” or other harmful components, therefore we strongly recommend the use of recognized protecting applications for malware protection.


Applicable law

Greek law applies both on issues regarding the browsing in our Website, as well as in any other issues that is linked in any way whatsoever to your orders. If we fail to find an amicable solution, which is the prominent choice of our company, our communication issues, or contractual issues and disagreements shall be resolved exclusively before the competent Courts of Athens, even after the full completion of our sale agreement. By browsing our Website and by placing your first order you clearly declare that you agree unconditionally with the above.

Privacy Policy & GDPR Compliance


The use of our web pages and the saervices provided to the visitor on the site owned by the company, requires your agreement with the Privacy Policy of this site. Therefore, the visitor must carefully read the contents of this page before using the services of our website. If he does not agree, he must leave this website and NEVER make use any of its services or content.
This privacy policy may change from time to time according the relevant legislation. We will not explicitly notify our customers or our site’s users about these changes. Instead, we recommend you to occasionally visit this page for any changes to this privacy policy. The continued use of the website even after any changes to the Privacy Policy implies the unconditional acceptance of these terms by you.

Privacy and Protection of personal data

We collect and process your personal data only when it is absolutely necessary.
We will never sell, rent, distribute, or publicize in any way your personal data, except where it is absolutely required.
If you are under 16, you MUST have your parents’ consent before using the services of this site.

Relevant legislation

Along with our company’s internal IT systems, this site is designed to comply with the following laws/regulations regarding the protection of user’s personal data:

  1. EU Data Protection Directive (DPD of year 1995)
  2. Regulation on general EU data protection (GDPR of year 2018)

Personal information collected by this site and why we collect it

This site collects and uses personal information for the following reasons:

Invoicing / financial information

In case you purchase any of our services / products, we will keep in our database the information necessary for the invoicing, such as name, address, email, phone number, vat id, etc. We will contact you in cases involving payment of services / products, invoice balances, recurring charges, offers about our products etc, via e-mail, sms or by phone. All data transferred via email is protected by a TLS / SSL security protocol.

Website traffic monitoring

Like most sites, this site uses Google Analytics (GA) to track user activity. We use this data to determine the number of our site visitors to better understand how they find and use our web pages. Although GA records data such as your geographic location, your device, your web browser, and your operating system, none of this information identify you to us. GA also records your computer’s IP address, which could be used to identify you, but Google does not provide access to it. We believe that Google is a third data processor that is compliant with the requirements of European legislation.

Contact forms and e-mail links

If you choose to contact us using a contact form or an email link, none of the data you provide will be stored to our site or transferred or processed by any third party data processor as defined below in the section «Our third-party data processors». Instead, these data will be sent to us via an SMTP protocol (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). Our SMTP servers are protected by a TLS/SSL security protocol, meaning that email content is encrypted before being sent over the Internet. The content of the email is decrypted by our local computers and devices.


If you choose to subscribe in our newsletter, the email address you submit will be forwarded to Mailchimp which manages our e-mail marketing services. Mailchimp is a third-party data processor (see «Our third-party data processors» below). Your e-mail address will not be stored in any of our databases. Your e-mail address will remain in the Mailchimp database for as long as we continue to use our e-mail marketing services or until you explicitly request to be removed from the mailing list. You can do, using the delete link contained in all the email newsletters we send you.
As long as your e-mail address remains in the Mailchimp database, you will receive periodic e-mail newsletters from us regarding offers, new product or services etc.

Customer Satisfaction Survey / Customer Loyalty Program

The data we collect from the site, once you have accepted the terms of use, may be used to participate in a Customer Satisfaction Survey where you are asked about your site and product / service usage experience or a customer loyalty program where you receive special discounts and offers to our products and services under certain conditions.

Live chat

When communicating via live chat, the information we collect is the name, email address, IP, the date and time of communication, and the text that was exchanged during this communication. These data are collected to better serve the customer and for security reasons.

Advertising campains

Third party vendors, including Google, can show our ads on websites. For this reason, cookies can be used to update, optimize, and display ads based on a previous user’s visit to our site, as well as for Remarketing. You can opt out of such use of cookies by Google by clicking here.
You may also opt out of the use of such cookies by third-party vendors by clicking here.

About Cookies

What is a cookie?

The term «cookie» refers to a small data file consisting solely of a set of text information that the site transmits to the web browser on your computer’s hard disk, either temporarily throughout your visit , or sometimes for longer periods, depending on the type of cookie. Cookies perform different operations (for example, you are distinguished from other site’s visitors or remember certain info for you like your preferences) and are used by most websites to improve your user experience.

Each cookie is unique to your browser and contains some anonymous information. A cookie typically contains the name of the cookie field, the cookie’s lifetime, and a value (usually in the form of a randomly generated unique number).

Types of cookies

The basic types of cookies are described below

  • Session cookies

    These are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your device’s browser only during your visit and are deleted when you close the browser.

  • Persistent cookies

    These remain in the cookie file of your device’s browser even after the browser closes, sometimes for one year or more (the exact length of stay depends on the lifetime of each cookie). Permanent cookies are used when the site administrator may need to know who you are for more than one visit (e.g., to remember your username or your site configuration preferences).

  • First-party cookies

    These are cookies installed on your browser and/or hard drive of your device from the site you are visiting. This includes assigning a unique ID to you, in order to monitor your site navigation. Site creators often use first-party cookies to handle visits and for identification purposes.

  • Third-party cookies

    These are cookies used by third parties, such as social networks to track your visits to the various sites they advertise. The site administrator has no control over these third-party cookies.

Cookies on this site and how to manage them

On this site, we use cookies to improve your user experience. Site functionality will be significantly affected if you disable or disagree with the use of cookies.
See the following information about the third-party cookies we use on this site, including how to disable them and the effect of disabling on the site’s functionality. If you need any help on how to manage certain types of cookies, including how to check or delete them, please visit www.aboutcookies.org.

Google Analytics cookies

Google Analytics cookies are performance analytics/logging cookies that allow us to collect anonymous information about how visitors use our site. These cookies can inform us on how many visitors use the site, the visit’s time and duration, and also provide information on how visitors navigate across the site. This information helps us improve the way our site works. They are anonymous information and do not contain personal information.
The information collected by the Google Analytics cookies about our site is transferred and stored on Google’s servers in accordance with Google’s privacy policy.
For more information on Google Analytics, please visit https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245
You can disable Google Analytics tracking by visting https://tools.go ogle.com/dlpa ge/gaoptout?hl =en=GB
If you disable these cookies, your activity will not be counted or used in the statistics we collect to improve the services we provide through this site. Website functionality will not be affected.

Video providers cookies

Video providers can place cookies on your device if you watch their video on our site.
If you disable these cookies you may not be able to see the embedded videos on our site.

Social Networks cookies

Third-party social networks can place cookies on your device if you choose to share a web page of our site with another third-party Social Network site, by clicking on one of the «share» buttons.
If you disable these cookies, you will not be able to share any of our content with third-party social networks

About this site’s web server

All web traffic (file transfer) between this site and your browser is encrypted and transferred via the HTTPS protocol using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Our servers, in order to ensure the smooth and secure operation of our services, record the user’s ip and, in case of failed connections, the username, in log files through security systems (firewalls, ddos filters, http filters, sql injection filters, visit statistics, cloudflare services) and backup. All of the above data is kept for short periods on our servers with modern security protocols so only authorized personnel can access them and only in cases to avoid malicious actions.

Third-party personal data processors

We use a number of third parties to process personal data for us (for example datacenter services, hosting services, backup services, payment gateways, shipping companies, marketing services etc). These Third-party personal data processors have been carefully selected to comply with the legislation mentioned in this document.

Data breaches

For any of your personal information stored in our database, all necessary action will be taken to be secure as possible.
We will report any unlawful violation of our database or any third party data processing database to all relevant stakeholders as well as authorities within 72 hours of the violation, if it is obvious that the personal data stored in recognizable form, have been stolen.

Access to information

For any personal information that is stored in our database, you have the right to access, correct or delete them. You can get information about this and its limitations by contacting us.

Data Protection Officer

You may contact the data protection officer (DPO) of this site by using the email in our contact page.